Welcome to the TIPBS Bookclub! In this episode, we review Chapter 2 of the book 'Teaching the Child on the Trauma Continuum' by Betsy De Thierry. Learn about how the brain supports learning and heals from trauma.
Define students by what they contribute, not what they lack -- especially those with difficult upbringings, says educator Victor Rios. Watch his inspiring TED talk. What can we learn about resilience from soldiers of war? Watch Psychiatrist Dennis Charney discusses the importance of optimism and social support in cases of traumatic stress. Watch this 5-minute video from Harvard that provides an overview of Building the Brain's "Air Traffic Control" System: How Early Experiences Shape the Development of Executive Function. Scientists have discovered that the brain structures of soldiers with PTSD and traumatised children change in the same way. Watch this fascinating video from the BBC and the Anna Freud Center to learn more. Did you know that by the time you're four years old, your brain is about 85% the size it is when you're an adult? The brain develops as a reflection of the world it grows up in, and the biggest development happens in the first three years of life. Trauma expert Dr. Bruce Perry enlightens us on all things brain development. As a behaviour support teacher who specialised in working with students whose ongoing demonstration of seriously, disruptive and unsafe behaviour had resulted in regular suspensions and for some exclusion, I did not truly understand the impact of trauma on a child’s memory until one day it manifested itself in front of me.
February 2019